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Innovate to Elevate Cryptocurrencies

Who can participate

  • Ages 18+ only
  • Only specific countries/territories included


Deadline View schedule

Jan 18, 2024 @ 12:01pm (GMT+01:00) Paris

€ 17,500.00 prizes



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CryptofForge is an intensive in-person hackathon designed to bring together talents from around the globe to push the boundaries of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Over a 3-5 day period, participants will engage in a challenging and stimulating environment to ideate, develop, and showcase innovative solutions that can elevate the functionality, security, scalability, and usability of cryptocurrencies. Whether your expertise lies in blockchain development, cryptography, financial technology, or decentralized applications, CryptofForge offers the perfect platform to transform your ideas into impactful solutions.

Why Should Participants Join?

  • Gain hands-on experience and deepen your knowledge in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology through real-world challenges.
  • Network and collaborate with like-minded individuals, mentors, and industry experts.
  • Present your innovative solutions to a panel of esteemed judges and gain recognition.
  • Compete for exciting prizes, including cash awards, mentorship opportunities, and more.
  • Potential job and internship opportunities with leading tech companies in the cryptocurrency space.

  1. Improving Transaction Speed and Scalability:
  • Develop a solution that can enhance the transaction speed and scalability of existing blockchain networks, reducing confirmation times and fees.
  1. Enhancing Security for Cryptocurrency Transactions:
  • Create a robust security feature or protocol that can protect cryptocurrency transactions from common threats such as hacking, phishing, and fraud.
  1. User-Friendly Cryptocurrency Wallet:
  • Design a cryptocurrency wallet that is secure, easy to use, and accessible for users of all levels of technical expertise.
  1. Decentralized Application (dApp) for Financial Services:
  • Build a simple yet impactful dApp offering financial services such as micro-lending, decentralized exchanges, or payment systems on a blockchain platform.


€ 10,000.00

Awarded to the overall winner of the hackathon with the highest cumulative score across all judging criteria.

  • Cash prize of €10,000
  • Internship opportunity with a leading cryptocurrency company
  • Recognition certificate and trophy
  • Featured spotlight in major tech publications and platforms

Innovation Award

€ 5,000.00

Recognizes the team that demonstrates the most innovative solution.

  • Cash prize of €5,000
  • Sponsored attendance to a blockchain or cryptocurrency conference or workshop
  • Mentorship sessions with industry experts
  • Recognition certificate
Best Technical Implementation

€ 2,500.00

Recognizes excellence in the technical execution and functionality of the solution.

  • Cash prize of €2,500
  • High-performance computing resources or cloud credits
  • Opportunity to present the project at a major tech conference
  • Recognition certificate

Claire Balva

Co-Founder, Blockchain Partner

David Prinçay


Arthur Breitman

Co-founder, Tezos

Prof. Vincent Danos

Professor, University of Edinburgh

Originality and Creativity (30 points)

How unique and creative is the solution? Does it bring new ideas or concepts to the cryptocurrency space? Also, Is the project utilizing new or emerging technologies in a novel way?

Technical Implementation (40 points)

Functionality: Does the solution work as intended? Are all features and components functional?

Technical Complexity: How complex is the technical solution? Does it demonstrate a deep understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology?

Robustness and Security: How well does the solution handle errors and protect against security threats?

User Experience (20 points)

Usability: How easy is it to use the solution? Is the user interface intuitive and user-friendly?

Design: How well-designed is the user interface? Does it provide a pleasant user experience?

Accessibility: Is the solution accessible to users with different levels of technical expertise?

Presentation and Documentation (10 points)

Clarity: How clearly is the project explained and presented? Are the objectives, features, and benefits well articulated?

Documentation: Is there sufficient documentation to understand and replicate the project? Does the documentation cover setup, usage, and technical details?

Engagement: How engaging is the presentation? Does it effectively communicate the value and potential of the project?

Tie-Breaker Criteria for CryptofForge

In the event of a tie in the final scores, the following tie-breaker criteria will be used to determine the winner:

Impact Potential:

The project with the higher score in the Impact category will be considered the tie-breaker. This emphasizes the importance of creating solutions that can significantly affect the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


If the tie persists, the project with the higher score in the Innovation category will be chosen. This criterion underscores the value of originality and creative problem-solving in the competition.

Technical Implementation:

If a tie still remains, the project with the higher score in Technical Implementation will be selected. This ensures that technically robust and well-executed solutions are prioritized.

Presentation and Documentation:

If the tie persists after considering the above criteria, the project with the higher score in Presentation and Documentation will be chosen. Clear communication and thorough documentation are essential for project success and adoption.

User Experience:

As a final tie-breaker, if needed, the project with the higher score in User Experience will be selected. This highlights the importance of creating solutions that are user-friendly and accessible.

There are no updates.

Rules for CryptofForge

General Rules

  1. Eligibility:
  • Open to all individuals and teams, including students, professionals, and enthusiasts.
  • Participants must be at least 18 years old.
  1. Team Formation:
  • Teams can consist of 1 to 5 members.
  • Each participant can only be part of one team.
  1. Registration:
  • Teams must register on the official hackathon platform by the specified deadline.
  • All team members must complete the registration process and agree to the terms and conditions.

Project Rules

  1. Originality and Ownership:
  • All submissions must be original work created during the hackathon period.
  • Projects must not violate any intellectual property rights or have been submitted to other competitions.
  1. Technology and Tools:
  • Participants are free to use any programming languages, tools, libraries, and frameworks.
  • The use of pre-existing code is allowed if it is open-source or the team has the right to use it, and it is clearly documented.
  1. Submission Requirements:
  • Projects must be submitted through the official hackathon platform by the deadline.
  • Submissions must include:
  • A project description (500 words maximum)
  • A working prototype or demo (e.g., link to a GitHub repository, deployed application)
  • Documentation detailing the setup and usage of the project
  • A presentation (e.g., slides, video) explaining the project

Judging Process

  1. Evaluation:
  • Projects will be evaluated by a panel of judges based on the judging criteria.
  • Each criterion will be scored on a scale of 1 to 30, with a total possible score of 100 points.
  • Judges' decisions are final and binding.

Code of Conduct

  1. Fair Play:
  • Participants must conduct themselves professionally and respectfully.
  • Any form of cheating, harassment, or rule violations will result in disqualification.
  1. Collaboration and Assistance:
  • Teams are encouraged to collaborate and help each other within the boundaries of fair competition.
  • Participants can seek advice and mentorship from experts but must document any external assistance received.

Intellectual Property and Privacy

  1. Ownership:
  • Participants retain ownership of their projects and intellectual property.
  • By submitting a project, participants grant the organizers the right to use, display, and promote the project for hackathon-related purposes.
  1. Data Privacy:
  • Participants must ensure their projects comply with data privacy laws and regulations.
  • Projects must not collect or use personal data without proper consent and safeguards.

Awards and Prizes

  1. Prize Distribution:
  • Prizes will be awarded to winning teams based on their final scores.
  • The distribution of prizes within a team is the responsibility of the team members.
  1. Disqualification:
  • The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any team or project that violates the rules or engages in unethical behavior.
  1. Changes to Rules:
  • The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the rules and guidelines. Participants will be notified of any changes promptly.


  1. Hackathon Timeline:
  • Registration Period: [Start Date] to [End Date]
  • Hackathon Start: [Start Date]
  • Submission Deadline: [End Date]
  • Judging Period: [Start Date] to [End Date]
  • Winners Announcement: [Date]

By following these detailed rules and guidelines, participants can ensure a fair, competitive, and enriching experience at CryptofForge.

Hackathon Location
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